Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.

Safe Sex, 1994

I was digging through masses of boxes , looking for some piezoelectric film i know we have and have had for many years now...I am finding everything but the intended.  

Here's something from my first year at the San Francisco Art Institute , do you remember 1994? I do.

A photo montage circa 1994. In love and inspired by Barbara Kruger's work. This is a family photograph of my grandmother and her sister back in the mid 1900s, which I would have firstly  enlarged on the photocopier bringing it to a pure black and white.  Text would have been printed on transparency and both merged onto lith film and printed on black and white photographic paper, works equally well when photocopied, or being burnt onto a silkscreen, which is maybe why I have always loved maximum contrast.

Poppy in Roche Harbor

The historic Resort town of Roche Harbor  and it's formal gardens which included this Poppy.  Chilled out in a way Friday Harbor can not be (the Ferry keeps Friday busy.) This was taken after having seen the Orcas, and a sunny disposition couldn't be helped.

I would love to come back and stay here. 

Check out live feed from the island cam 

Anacortes in the evening

Last Thursday we left for a mini adventure. 

As an unschooling family these adventures are real life learning journeys. 

We learn historical information about area, sometimes geology, and alot about the nature and wildlife of the areas we explore. 

And we document. This was my evening view last Thursday and what a beauty it was. 


Orcas in Driftwood

spontaneous driftwood installation on the beautiful Southern tip of San Juan.   

"Orcas" out of Driftwood, South beach, San Juan Island, Washington