Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.

Thamesmead , 2005

I have been adding images to This Life in Ruins. 

Some of the ones I have been revisiting are these from 2005 of The Thamesmead Housing Estate. Recent photographs show bits being torn down. 

Quite a few things have been filmed here including "Clockwork Orange" 

I am sorry not to get to bear witness and capture it's demise and rebirth.  I have in my searches come across some nice images but my favorite so far are at:

Love London Council Housing 

Please do have a look, some lovely images that give a sympathetic eye to the idealistic origins of these weird dystopian estates. 

Have a look at the complete set of Thamesmead at : 

This Life in Ruins 

A day walk through Thamesmead Housing estate in Southeast London

Lake Lenore so much to answer for

Lake Lenore had some excess sodium dumped in it in 1947

check out the video on youtube here 

and then someone is stealing fish most recently. 

I like this place I wish people would leave only footprints.... 

Liberty , Wa

On the way back from our last visit to the Scablands we stopped at the little town of Liberty. Here we chatted with a local who told us of how close last years wildfire got, very close, he was supposed to evacuate but wouldn't have no matter what.

We met a box of rescued cats who were only a few weeks old and should have had their mother.  One was dead in the box with front paws in clawing formation and mouth open in a scream expression. It was surreal by this point. People still looking for gold in these hills.

more photos of Liberty:This Life in Ruins 

Liberty, Wa

The Rookery Project Closing Reception

The Issaquah Highland's New Place for Community Art

Celebrate the Closing Reception of this Year's

Heron Rookery Project

Sips, Nibbles AND - of course - CAKE!

Saturday, September 28  6pm

Blakely Hall, 2550 NE Park Drive, Issaquah 98029

Below I have added links to the Artists (if they had no website I linked them to their Heron)  please check them out!

Jill Beppu                             Melissa Koch            Chris Maynard

Valaree Cox                         Jan Lipetz                Garima Naredi

Yiota Geroges                     Fred Lissaius           Monica Phillips

Don Haggerty                     Kelly Lyles                Julia Christensen Rackley            

Anna Macrae                                                         Liz Ruest

Back to it...Wild Bee recording in Mt Rainer

Well the show must go on so the Bees must be recorded. 

In Seattle the Bees seem downright shy over photography and sound recordings. 

Out on the Mountain I didn't even seem to be noticed. 

Maybe it's just that Mountain Bee vibe - less worry then your urban friends.