Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.

Washtucna with love

Second time round. Photography of location improves time upon time, unless one gets too cocky, then it all goes wrong. I imagine filling the meat shop with art instead of meat and keeping the newspaper hanging on the wall and the sign painted on the outside wall.


Presenting your 2014 Heaven and Earth Artists!

 Welcome artists and public to heaven and Earth VI.

We have sixteen intrepid artists ready to make live site specific art ....July 5th- 11th.

   in Carkeek Park, Seattle.

Feel free to visit us at Facebook and see what the artists are up to in the time before installation...

Opening Day is July 12th, 2014 with artists and fresh crop of work.

Crow/Raven: Magic and Mystery Opening May 30th, 2014

40 artists exploring connections with these wonderful birds! Lots of great lectures and opportunities to explore the meaning and intelligence of these wonderful birds who are able to thrive off our human existence.

Tim Gee and I will be showing a specially made Crow Pod for this exhibition.

Come check it out!

Shadowplay in a barn

Shadowplay in a barn with a roof who has seen better days.

The light fantastic casting shadows on the grainy detail of the floor.

The patterns remind me of cityscapes and they make me want to listen to shadowplay by Joy Division.  maybe you should too? Music has always been such a great inspiration for my own visual practice.

To the center of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth

In the shadow play, acting out your own death, knowing no more
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies mad a move to connect
But I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left

I did everything, everything I wanted to
I let them use you, for their own ends
To the center of the city in the night, waiting for you
To the center of the city in the night, waiting for you

-Joy Division



Tumbleweed Racing

Just after visiting the Palouse Falls we found a quiet spot appropriate for tumbleweed racing, a cruelty free sport (unless you consider getting your hands potentially stuck with thorns.)