When in Montana the one stone to find is Montana Agate. Apparently once prolific in and along the Yellowstone river now very rare indeed. I cheated I purchased thing slices from a couple different rock shops in Montana. Some of it is very scenic and other more patterns, another of nature's little amazements which is hidden in the disguise of just a old grey rock, unassuming until you break it open and slice it thinly then we see the full magic.
Thendara's Blog
The odds and ends in the creative world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.
purple pepper
Purple Pepper grown in Montana, eaten in Montana.
For such richness this pepper was more like a green pepper in flavoring and not necessarily worth the splurge other then to know that in future unless I need a purple pepper for a photograph I am best sticking with my favorite peppers the red, orange and yellow peppers.
Purple pepper you may be pretty but you don't taste all that.
looks 10 taste 2.
minimal mountains
a new series of mountains expressed in simple form.
playing with background textures.
three directions one moth
Textures of Rock at St Mary's Lake, Montana
windy day at the eastern side of Glacier National Park, to get away from the crowds we headed over to St Mary's Lake where it were peaceful of people but not so much of wind.
Montana's Lake McDonald with Talula
So many lakes, so many not warm enough to entice the adult population into the water.
But I do remember being a kid and nothing would stop me from getting in the water not even the freeze....Talula dared to get into many of the lakes we visited including this, the largest west of the Mississippi.
she can't help herself.
too cold
look at my ripples
Post Lake feet, very, very cold.