Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.


This spring has had far too much of it's time dedicated to teeth and their care or lack of care as the case may be in certain situations.

These are a couple close ups of what I was feeling about my mouth, as you can see my feelings are quite dire.


In the Mountains, everything is ok.

a recently completed piece, waiting for the resin to arrive to coat it, soon...

I have been without for several weeks, creating a backlog. The back log has reached either epic proportions.

Last Friday was the Big One, as in the giant Greenwood Phinney Ave Art walk. 

Big Thank you to all the folks who make that happen on a yearly basis (for 20 years?!) and super big Love to the Greenwood Public Library for hosting my work as well as the wonderful work of Betsey Dahlstrom and Katarina Schmidt who I had the pleasure of sharing the wonderfully lit front meeting room of the library. Two days,  I sold six pieces and very much thank those who came out and purchased my work,  I would love to see photos of it in situ if you are willing to share?

Happy evening everyone.


Particles on the Wall comes to Walla Walla

Wow, Whitman College in Walla Walla Washington has to be the most words beginning with W I have ever used in a sequence.
 Maybe I have been too timid with my use of W's an should therefore make an effort to expand such W based sentences.

April, 1st the show opens, please come over to Eastern Washington to explore this show exploring our Nuclear State through a variety of art and discussion offered throughout it's season in Walla Walla.

Please do check it out!


cARTography at Ryan James Fine Arts from April 9th, 2015

 I have always been obsessed with the graphic nature of Maps and how a city aligns with what is inside out own human form, equally capable of being mapped out into lines and meeting areas of lines and hubs of business. Please come down and check out the work of 40 artists exploring a variety of mapping from literal to more ambiguous. We all have our way of mapping the world come see how some have chosen to express their own visions.

Thank you to Curator Dawn Laurant and the Ryan James Gallery.

April 9th, 2015 5pm- 10pm

Ryan James Gallery

Ryan James on Facebook


Call for Artists Heaven and Earth VII

Propagation: Heaven & Earth VII

Call for Temporary Outdoor Artworks

The newly formed nonprofit Center for Environmental Art, in partnership with Carkeek Park Advisory Council and Seattle Parks and Recreation, invites proposals for placement of temporary outdoor artworks in Carkeek Park, an approximately 190 acre urban forest located in NW Seattle, from July 11, 2015 – October 10, 2015. The deadline to apply is May 2nd; a suggested $20 submission fee is requested to cover expenses related to the exhibition (especially maps and print media).

In keeping with the spirit of the site, the organizers seek work that reflects an ongoing recognition of the precarious nature of the environment with attention to the metaphor of propagation, which is often associated with the production of plants (sowing seeds, grafting, and other forms of reproduction, multiplication, dispersal, pollination, etc.) but which can also be freely translated to reference human means of dissemination (such as internet memes and other forms of media transmittal). The organizers encourage experimental , kinetic, or interactive works that explore a broad range of contemporary interpretations of art and nature, including performance, new media, landscape interventions, installations, sound art, biomimicry, ephemeral work, and other interdisciplinary perspectives. We are particularly hopeful of proposals to project video into the urban forest from a secured location at the Park’s headquarters.

While there are certain areas in the park that are more conducive to placement than others, artists may make their own suggestions, and images of previous sites can be studied at The Call is open to all artists (whether established or emerging), local, regional, national, or international. All work should have a minimal impact on the park and eventually leave "no trace" following removal.

Between 12 – 15 artists and/or artist teams will be selected from the pool of applicants and offered an honorarium of $300 - $700 depending on the proposal. The submissions will be juried by a committee comprised of the curators working closely with Seattle Parks and Recreation and Carkeek Park Advisory Council. The Center for Environmental Art will also arrange for the production of a map and full color catalog of the exhibition, create a shared blog, and archive the work on  

Additional funding is available for artists in King County through a 4Culture individual Artist Projects grant, with a deadline of March 4, 2015 (several projects in 2013 and 2014 received significant additional funding through this program). Artists may also be eligible for a Seattle Arts & Culture smART ventures grant (no deadline; ongoing).  

Carkeek Park visitorship during the display period is estimated at 100,000. In addition, hiking groups from Seattle Parks and Recreation, Seattle Plein-Air Painters, and other organizations actively offer programming that centers on the art-hike. Generous funding for the exhibition is provided by Carkeek Park Advisory Council as well as vital in kind support from Seattle Parks and Recreation, and Associated Recreation Council.

Deadline for final entries by midnight Saturday, May 2, 2015. Please send a check for a suggested $20 submission fee made out to Center for Environmental Art to: Carkeek Park Advisory Council, 950 NW Carkeek Park Rd., Seattle WA 98177. Please indicate “Heaven and Earth VII” on the check. The submission fee can be waived with a simple request to the curators and/or a sliding scale of paying what you can is perfectly acceptable.

Artist will receive notification by May 22, 2015. A Participating Artists’ Orientation will take place at the Environmental Learning Center, 950 NW Carkeek Park Rd., on May 30, 2015, 1:30 – 3:30. Installation of the art will begin on July 5th and must be completed in time for a Private Show with the Artists on Friday, July 10. Opening reception will take place on Saturday July 11 at Carkeek's Environmental Learning Center (same address as above), 2-5pm.

Please send submissions to

Please contact the curators for additional questions. Participating artists will need to sign a W-9 to process payment, as well as sign a liability waiver recognizing the inherent risk of exhibiting unsecured art in a public setting and seeking permission to use any images for promotional purposes. We also encourage individuals to carry insurance.

View 2009 -- 2014 exhibitions at

David Francis and Thendara Kida-Gee, Co-Curators
Center for Environmental Art


Final day five of art challenge

the first three are abstract landscapes of some of my favorite wilderness areas of Washington.

The fourth is a visual recreation of a sound wave saying "funk you"

The fifth is Hank Heron created 2013 for the Rookery Project.