Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.

A weekend of Cemetery

I realized this weekend after visiting two cemeteries that I live in a spot that within 5-10 minutes I could go to six different cemeteries!? This one in Olalla is one of my favorites! Next to the former Linda Hazard House, what you say you don’t know who Linda Hazzard is? well check her out!! here’s another article in the Smithsonian. So once you know who she is this cemetery may seem …something more? then again maybe you have no interest in cemeteries. I can’t explain where my life long passion for them has come from, but I have always felt comfortable in them and when I first began shooting film at the age of fifteen the cemetery was the first place I went with some close up lenses and an appreciation of what the Victorians would have considered a place to spend time in, not just visit the dead but to recreate. The top three images are connected a tree has taken out a few grave stones and it’s hard to tell how many as the stone actually obliterated.