First exhibition of the year, its been awhile to get the art gears rolling post pandemic but here we go! Its been lovely working with Loca and Lisa over at the Haven Salon to bring 19 pieces of work to Ballard for a three month run 4/15/23- 7/15/23. Stop by and check out some art and maybe get your hair seen to at this lovely eco salon. All work is for sale and the prices range from $85 upwards.
Thendara's Blog
The odds and ends in the creative world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.
From Sea to Tree with Mountain in Between at The Bainbridge Performing Arts Center
Installing tomorrow and open to the public until it ends March 30th.
Please check out Bainbridge performing arts website
BPA Gallery hours are 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Wednesday – Friday plus one hour prior to each performance. Please check with the BPA Box Office for specific exhibit dates, as the length of each show varies.
Mountainscape 2017 24”x14”
Through the Trees to the Mountains 2.0
Through the Trees to the Mountains , Art on Main, 25 W Main Street, Auburn wa 98001
An installation by artist Thendara M Kida-Gee Sponsored by the Auburn Arts Commission
Coming this April 20th A new installation - working on the theme of the last through the trees to the mountains is the world evolving from my first world created in Through the Trees (Shunpike Storefronts 2016) This time things are different, from more raw organic set of trees with digital highlights towards a more digital plastic world…. shh don’t want to say too much just yet.It will be in situ nearly four months so plenty of time. There is a coffee shop right next door to the window gallery, so pop in get a coffee check out my mountains and then list all the other great public art auburn has to offer!