I remember having one of these plants in my slug ridden garden space back in my parents home in Buffalo. The one I had back then only had one bloom where as this has multiples of tens.Not that you can see the multitude of blooms form this image but more the fuzzy coral ness of it's edges. Twisted Celosia!
Thendara's Blog
The odds and ends in the creative world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.
Heart Cells
Now that Heaven and Earth VI is up and running I have some space to move about creative ideas that have been stewing for some time now. My list is long and exciting and many faceted in project scope and medium. There is one that has been sat with me for some time and it's back with the hearts....which have moved in and out of my work for many years.
Back in 2000 I created an installation called "You wear your heart on your sleeve."
The whole project began with placing ads looking for love in various English newspapers under three personas. The personas included a sexy schoolgirl , a fruitatarian and a somewhat depressed twenty something. It was a work that included over 300 handmade paper mache hearts (which eventually 6 years down the line were eaten by mice in south London.) In addition to these hearts I had 7 hearts made of resin each held a few inches from the wall with nine inch nails. Each had amateur electronics installed so they beat with light from a small bulb and simple circuit hanging from behind. There was sound as well that stemmed from responses from ads placed, showing more the similarity of response, no matter what the ad was.
What did I Learn ? That there are alot of folks looking for love and it take's all sorts. I wasn't mocking or cruel just more looking to see what people would respond to, is there a place for honesty in self promotion.
Yes there is.
The project I have been dieing to work on and finally have space for is all to do with this fact:
Different people's (or even animal's) heart cells, will all beat in unison in a petrie dish. Different people's brain cells in a petrie dish will not communicate with each other and die.
Map for Heaven and Earth VI; As Above, So Below
A couple pieces that got a healthy coat of resin to bounce that reflection ......
A bridge in the east
Traveling to eastern Washington from western is like a warp zone into something completely different as is the opposite journey.
I love them both, I wouldn't have one with out the other.
Yin and Yang.
This is a bridge that was in the Channeled Scablands.
My mind feels like ......
Something about this week makes me mentally feel like this photograph.
I don't know what's occurred this week I wouldn't say it was a bad week but my mind does feel very similar to this - least there is nothing hiding in the cabinets...
birds were flying through the entirety of the caravan, as if it was a play gym.