Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.

Northern State Farm

It has been awhile since I had visited this special place. To see it in such a state I was glad I came when I did.  Two different roofs collapsed, photographs there only memory of being whole.

weird to see something, actively pursue visiting some place where the decline is fast and no one is stopping it. the details wash away, distilled into some vague form of what used to be there, like having applied a photoshop filter too often and ended up with some vague recollection of what was. 

Interesting day in all the skies were filled with fire smoke from Everett Northwards, really weird, I have never lived someplace where I experienced the repercussions of forest fires before.

Can't say it makes me happy, in fact it makes me cry for the trees an awful lot but people who know me probably wouldn't be too surprised about this, I have empathy to spare, and some seem to have none.



70 years Ago

Artist Yukiyo Kawano with her piece Little Boy #2 at the Seattle Asian Art Museum with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility Commemorating 70 years since the atrocity of the bomb drop on Hiroshima.
Check out both the artist and the organization:
Yukiyo Kawano 
Washington Physicians For Social Responsibility


What a heavy week with this and Nagasaki being 70 years ago and what bombs still exist while I didn't think about them much before but now that they are my neighbors these bombs, all around the coast they live.

Queen Anne's Lace on the Kitsap Peninsula

Daucus carota

Exploring the Kitsap Peninsula and happened upon these, what I believe is to be Queen Anne's lace, or a close relative.

Became obsessed with diving into their patterns.

Apparently when grown near tomatoes it increase their production. I found some interesting facts  on Daucus carota here

The building of my Earth Cell

I have been dug into this piece for many months. it has come to a completion minus a nice  layer of resin that will smooth the whole thing over  and level it off after many layers.

Alot of waiting time for each layer to dry to be able to go forth into the unknown and see what happens next, this was not a piece with a plan or a destination. I work without an end goal alot , see where the process takes me, this piece had many new processes and materials introduced and a whole lot of learning that accompanied it which will live on in it's benefit to my practice. I wanted to share the visual journey from start til completion. The many nights possessed by the need to add  to the extravaganza that I think of as an Earth Cell.

If you could see all the potential of the earth broken into one simple cellular form this is what I imagine it might look like.

My mom thinks it looks like a dragon's eye and I am course open to interpretation. I only came to know it as an earth cell during the last ten or so layers. 


Been looking for a home

Been looking for a home we can afford on Vashon. A more deliberate life we are seeking, in addition to calm and no crazy ass commute for Tim who likes the idea of the water taxi to work and home.

I kind of freak out about proximity to the Bremerton Nuclear going ons...which usually becomes intwined with an earthquake scenario where the nuclear aspects go to hell and your skin is burning off while you try and flee the island... And those words coming from someone wanting to move there- are my thoughts just humorous or deadly deep fears- I am not sure. Then there is the arsenic and lead...

Most of the homes we have seen have been hosting at least one major foible (ie falling off a cliffside,possibly soon.) The photos seem to be greater then the actual space upon arrival.

I stopped photographing them myself but still manage a shot now and then- like this  fantastic photo above which certainly must make some greater reference to my feelings of this property?

or not. 

on the way to the island.....