Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.

Installation at Bellarmine Dec 2019

The beginnings of the installation has a lot of repetition. Plugging dowels into stands then plugging tree tops onto the dowels. Was nice to have assistance and to have such an amazingly covetable space to go with my modular works.

Residency at the North Cascades Institute 2019

on the side of Diablo Lake - just getting to playing with images from my residency back in March!!!! holy crap… where has the time gone… installing art has been a big focus this year!!! it has been a great year for art and I am extremely grateful to all who have helped make this the greatest year art wise in a long time! The NorthCascades Institute, Auburn Arts Commission, Allison Hyde, Artists Trust, Confluence Gallery, Ben Meeker and the Bellarmine Art Department, Sheetal Singh, Bainbridge Performing Arts Center and you friends and family who helped support this artist.

PNW summer is in full bloom

Tree Trunk near Lake Quilnalt 2017

Tree Trunk near Lake Quilnalt 2017

Things have been go go go for awhile. My three month installation came down last month , two exhibitions to come. as I escape the mid day heat for a bit and play with images from tow years ago. Things go in cycles and sometimes you just don’t get to certain things as intended. Processed this image and love the depth and texture. so on this hot hot day enjoy the texture of this old tree.

Through the Trees to the Mountains 2.0

Through the Trees to the Mountains , Art on Main, 25 W Main Street, Auburn wa 98001

An installation by artist Thendara M Kida-Gee Sponsored by the Auburn Arts Commission


Coming this April 20th A new installation - working on the theme of the last through the trees to the mountains is the world evolving from my first world created in Through the Trees (Shunpike Storefronts 2016) This time things are different, from more raw organic set of trees with digital highlights towards a more digital plastic world…. shh don’t want to say too much just yet.It will be in situ nearly four months so plenty of time. There is a coffee shop right next door to the window gallery, so pop in get a coffee check out my mountains and then list all the other great public art auburn has to offer!

Kitsap Shores

A visit to Joemma Beach State Park , nice walk with a dog and a camera and perhaps a fun resistant teen. Some photographs I am just finding that have been sat here since last year waiting for me to play with them…. a meander on the coast in better weather as I manage to immerse myself in sunny topics while in the midst of a day long down pour!

the local mall

Some images coming soon from the local shopping mall, here’s a taster.

My local mall fascinates me, it is like malls from the 90’s in Buffalo, the first generation malls that were fading out but still sat there open despite a lack of businesses, maybe more for the mall walkers who started early and lapped you at least a few times. I often wonder why I am drawn to places like this. Was it growing up in a city with a downtown that perpetually faded through my childhood? IS it finding beauty in places that others no longer see as valid, as cool as the place to go.