Thendara's Blog

The odds and ends in the creative  world of Thendara M Kida-Gee.

Big Shout to to Bootyland!!!

Really happy to be included in the Capitol Hill Art walk at Bootyland Kids and eco conscious shop for kids and families. Pop on by for the remainder of November to check out gifts and art from myself and artist Hayley Deti. Thanks to everyone at Bootyland for welcoming me and my work to your shop!

one of many works to see over at Bootyland in November!


Seatac Utility Box locations

Seatac has released a map of all its Utility Box locations! So excited to see a route to take when charting local. art so this is much appreciated. If you have the time and desire check out the map here:

Seatac Utility Box Art Wraps

If you are far away, below are two of the boxes wrapped with my work! One if Disco Mycelium and the second Is trees cape Aurora Borealis. Thank you City of Seatac for selecting and including three of my pieces and also huge that you to Traffic Wrapz for getting those arts onto the boxes! I have yet to visit the third installation of my art but will share it when I do!

Art out in Exhibition -Haven Salon Ballard, Seattle

First exhibition of the year, its been awhile to get the art gears rolling post pandemic but here we go! Its been lovely working with Loca and Lisa over at the Haven Salon to bring 19 pieces of work to Ballard for a three month run 4/15/23- 7/15/23. Stop by and check out some art and maybe get your hair seen to at this lovely eco salon. All work is for sale and the prices range from $85 upwards.


this year....

Stone Canoe

Treescape Aurora Borealis on the cover of issue 16 of Stone Canoe

I have been super bad at posting this year. both here and instagram but mostly here. life has felt like a roller coaster at some parts of the year and a free fall at others.there’s been a lot on the table in my personal life, and fitting everything in?! well often art making takes precedence over explaining art making and the book keeping aspects of being an artist. We had some ducks born to our ducks that seemed to take over the entire summer, a dog who needed surgery and another dog who needed rescuing, or was it us that needed to be rescued again after a year of first rescue dog having a ton of issues. In the art aspects of life this year Treescape Aurora Borealis was featured in and on the cover of stone canoe arts and literature magazine as well as on a utility box in seatac! In fact three pieces are becoming utility wraps in SeaTac. the locations will be:

international boulevard and 180th street, 24th ave s @ 154th st and the final location is 29ave s and s154th all in Seatac. Lasy year I was accepted onto the Roster for approved public artists with the wa state arts commission. I am ready and willing to get my public art feet activated when I am called upon. what else? a lot of rejections, best I am like a duck and let it glide off my back as water droplets that cast aspersions as to the success rate of my artistic self.

Treescape Aurora Borealis has gotten a lot of play this year.

new year, new work, funky attitude

Happy New year all. I am thankful for having gotten to immerse myself in much making but have been slack in the sharing and documenting. I think the pandemic and the lack of external activity has caused me to fully jump inwards… and sometimes it’s hard to get back out. Here’s a little gallery of some works from the end of 2021. Last year was slow, my 2019 had been roaring along to come to the stand still of my show I march 2020 that never opened (despite being hung for an audience that never was to come.) Looking back on 2021 and the most positive accomplishment for me was to make it onto the Washington State Art Comission’s Art Roster. This is a pre approved list for organizations to come to and scope out the artists for public projects. I am so grateful to be included in this list and now hoping to be picked. ok now for some art … these pieces are part of my whole technological takeover and loss of nature. so these are simulated environs which I'm imagining through an 80s video game lens. more to come!

fireside in the west coast

for the second year in a row my work has taken a side dive into focus on the fires, not limited to the west coast of America as a concern but mostly everywhere. as the sky went heavy with smoke this week breathing in pandemic and fire times seems like a double whammy.